Tuesday 26 March 2013

Moving on Up!

Why hello there dear reader. Don't be alarmed, I know the fact this blog post is not in a Tumblr could disorientate some of you lovely people, but don't panic just yet. This is a transitional period, and it's OK to feel a little woozy. Just keep calm and follow my lead.

I decided after the guffawing and general stick waving of the older generation, under the impression that the Tumblr having the occasional repost or funny cat picture, was somewhat distracting from the overall goal of the blog's original sentiment. Reviewing comics, fast and furiously.

So in light of this fact, and the fact my Tumblr has become somewhat of a personal account, I intend on using THIS blog, right here, as the main base of operations, while the Tumblr will bring in the punters and serve as 'further reading / viewing' for this blog. Simple.

So here we go, Blog time!

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